Focos de atención

Títulos similares

Director de Desarrollo Comunitario, Director Ejecutivo de una organización sin ánimo de lucro, Director de Programas, Gestor de Participación Comunitaria, Director de Impacto Social, Director de Relaciones Comunitarias, Director de Operaciones (en una organización sin ánimo de lucro o comunitaria), Director de Servicios Comunitarios, Director Ejecutivo (en una organización comunitaria o sin ánimo de lucro), Gestor de Programas Comunitarios.

Descripción del trabajo

Every community has issues that local businesses or even local government agencies can’t effectively address. That’s when residents may come together to form community organizations, whose purpose is to tackle problems and improve the quality of life for those affected.

Such organizations can range from nonprofits and neighborhood associations to small advocacy groups and clubs. Many start as grassroots movements driven by members who share common goals and interests.

As community organizations grow, they typically need to appoint directors to manage and oversee operations with a focus on strategy, development, and resource allocation. These Community Organization Directors are crucial to ensuring organizational effectiveness and community impact. Unlike outreach-specific roles, they’re more involved with internal management, including staffing, finance, and long-term planning.

Aspectos gratificantes de la carrera
  • Enhancing the efficiency and impact of community organizations
  • Leading transformative community projects and services
  • Building sustainable organizational models that foster community development
  • Driving strategic partnerships and collaborations
2022 Empleo
2032 Empleo proyectado
La primicia
Responsabilidades del trabajo

Horario de trabajo

Community Organization Directors work full-time with a possibility of overtime, including potentially nights, weekends, and holidays. Travel may be necessary.

Tareas típicas

  • Work with staff and partners to assess community needs, identify gaps in services, and establish goals and timetables
  • Strategically plan community programs and initiatives aimed at achieving established goals
  • Oversee program implementation. Assign teams to work on projects
  • Solicit feedback, assess program effectiveness, and propose adjustments as needed
  • Manage or oversee organizational budgets, finances, and resources
  • Recruit, train, and lead volunteers and staff members
  • Serve as the public face of the organization’s leadership team
  • Maintain strong public relations with residents, local businesses, government agencies, and stakeholders
  • Network with other organizations and participate in community coalitions
  • Meet with leaders to advocate for causes and discuss issues, outcomes, and goals
  • Host or set up community events and educational activities related to the organization’s mission

Responsabilidades adicionales

  • Report to board members and stakeholders about program outcomes and strategic direction
  • Advise initiatives and educational programs on social media
  • Poner en marcha actividades de recaudación de fondos y asignarlos a los proyectos
Habilidades necesarias en el trabajo

Habilidades blandas

  • Adaptabilidad
  • Analítica
  • Atención al detalle
  • Conciencia cultural
  • Empatía
  • Independiente
  • Integridad
  • Liderazgo
  • Gestión
  • Motivación
  • Organización
  • Paciencia
  • Resolución de problemas
  • Orientación al servicio
  • Percepción social
  • Pensamiento estratégico
  • Gran capacidad de comunicación y relaciones interpersonales

Habilidades técnicas

Diferentes tipos de organizaciones
  • Centros comunitarios
  • Instituciones educativas
  • Grupos ecologistas
  • Fundaciones y organizaciones que conceden subvenciones
  • Centros sanitarios
  • Sin ánimo de lucro
  • Organizaciones religiosas
  • Organismos de servicios sociales
Expectativas y sacrificios

Community Organization Directors must know and address the specific needs of the communities they serve. Building trust is essential for effective collaboration and successful outcomes, so they have to be empathetic and adaptable. They often balance multiple projects as they engage with diverse local groups that may have different priorities.

As leaders, they’re responsible for ensuring their organizations run efficiently. They motivate staff, focus teams on mission goals, and manage both administrative duties and strategic planning. The role is rewarding but requires perseverance and deep commitment to their respective causes.

Directors often work long hours with limited resources – but when successful, they get to see the positive changes their work makes in communities! 

Tendencias actuales

There’s a heightened focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion within community organizations. Directors are spearheading efforts to engage underrepresented groups, ensuring services are accessible and equitable. This involves addressing cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic barriers through targeted programs and policies, fostering trust and a sense of belonging within the community.

Digital platforms are transforming how organizations interact with the communities they serve and Community Organization Directors must lead this change. They ensure their teams know how to use modern tools for things like outreach, hosting virtual events, and online awareness campaigns to engage locals and build connections.

Collaborations between nonprofits, businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions are increasing, allowing partners to pool resources to address complex issues like healthcare and economic development. Directors facilitate these partnerships, coordinate collaborative efforts, and advocate for community needs in broader policy discussions. 

¿Qué tipo de cosas disfrutaba la gente de esta carrera cuando era más joven...

Community Organization Directors often have a background in social activities from a young age. In their younger days, they might have led student clubs, volunteered locally, or been active in local groups. Early involvement in these areas likely nurtured their skills in leadership, communication, and organization, paving the way for their future careers!

Educación y formación necesarias
  • La mayoría de los trabajadores comienzan en puestos de nivel inicial y ascienden después de acumular entre 4 y 6 años de experiencia laboral en actividades de divulgación comunitaria, relaciones públicas o el sector no lucrativo.
  • Internships are a good way to get your foot in the door!
  • Community Organization Director roles generally require a bachelor’s degree in public administration, business management, social work, or community development
  1. Other majors may include political science, English, and psychology, as long as there is sufficient coursework related to management, administration, social work, community causes, etc.
  2. Note, some positions require a related master’s degree!
  • Significant experience in management, especially within nonprofit or community-focused organizations, is often essential
  1. Education and training may rely on the specific mission of the employing organization. For example, programs related to education may require workers with experience in K-12 education, post-secondary education, adult education, vocational training, or special education
  • Además de la experiencia laboral, las empresas pueden ofrecer formación en el puesto de trabajo a los nuevos directores
  • Depending on the employer’s mission, helpful certifications or other credentials might include:
  1. CFRE International Certified Fund Raising Executive
  2. Grant Writer certification
  3. ICPM’s Certified Manager Certification
  4. International Association for Public Participation’s Certified Public Participation Professional
  5. National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement’s NEA Family Engagement Micro-Credential
  6. National Board of Public Health Examiners’ Certified in Public Health credential
  7. Profesional certificado sin ánimo de lucro de la Alianza para el Liderazgo sin Ánimo de Lucro
  8. PRSA’s Accreditation in Public Relations
  • Director jobs can also require a valid driver’s license and a background check
Cosas que hay que buscar en una universidad
  • Look for accredited programs that offer majors in public administration, business management, social work, or community development
  • Seek programs with internship opportunities related to community involvement
  • Comparar los costes de matrícula y tasas, teniendo en cuenta los costes para residentes en el estado y para residentes en otros estados.
  • Revisar las opciones de becas y ayudas económicas
  • Consulte las estadísticas de graduación e inserción laboral de los antiguos alumnos 
Cosas que hacer en el instituto y la universidad
  • In high school, focus on subjects like sociology, psychology, and social studies to understand community dynamics and human behavior
  • Enroll in courses such as English, writing, speech, debate, and foreign languages to enhance your ability to communicate effectively
  • Engage in school activities that provide experience with project management, event planning, budgeting, teamwork, conflict resolution, and diversity
  • Volunteer for community service activities, join social issue-focused clubs, and seek internships with community organizations. Get hands-on experience early on!
  • Study the issues and needs within your community and learn about the organizations working to address them
  • Contact outreach workers and community organizers for informational interviews to gain a comprehensive view of the challenges they face and the strategies they use
  • Read trade publications and articles to stay updated on best practices and new developments
  • Learn about grant writing and funding opportunities
  • Keep up with global news, international trade laws, regulations, and ethical considerations
  • Respectfully participate in online forums and discussion groups related to community organization
  • Keep track of your work, experiences, and academics for your resume and college applications
  • Make a portfolio of your projects, leadership experiences, and achievements
  • In college, pursue a relevant major and develop your communication skills through advanced courses and practical experiences in writing, public speaking, and media relations
  • Apply for internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer positions with community organizations
  • Build your network by joining student organizations and participating in community events
  • Participate in research projects about community issues, social policies, and outreach strategies
Hoja de ruta típica
Hoja de ruta del Director de Organización de la Comunidad
Cómo conseguir tu primer trabajo
  • Tap into your professional network to ask for tips about job openings
  • Look for internships and entry-level roles such as outreach coordinator, campaign assistant, program assistant, advocacy associate, or volunteer coordinator to get your foot in the door
  • Develop a robust LinkedIn profile highlighting your skills and community involvement
  • Scan job portals like, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, Idealist, and other sites
  • Tailor your resume to emphasize skills in leadership, project management, volunteerism, cultural experience, and community engagement
  • Revise los anuncios de empleo y busque palabras clave para incluirlas en su currículum, como:
  1. Community Engagement
  2. Community Organizing
  3. Cultural Competency
  4. Diversity And Inclusion Initiatives
  5. Donor Relations
  6. Event Planning
  7. Recaudación de fondos
  8. Impact Assessment
  9. Nonprofit Leadership
  10. Partnership Development
  11. Program Development
  12. Public Policy Analysis
  13. Relaciones públicas
  14. Resource Allocation
  15. Marketing en redes sociales
  16. Stakeholder Collaboration
  17. Strategic Planning
  18. Volunteer Management
  • Attend job fairs (and take copies of your resume)
  • Pedir a profesores y supervisores anteriores que escriban cartas de recomendación o solicitar su consentimiento (por adelantado) para incluirlos como referencias.
  • Do your research on potential employers. Learn about their services and missions before applying
  • Durante las entrevistas, demostrar un profundo conocimiento de las tendencias del sector.
  • Review resume templates for Community Organization Directors and check out sample interview questions such as:
  1. “How do you identify the needs of the community and develop programs to address them?”
  2. “What strategies have you used for successful fundraising?”
  3. “Where do you see this organization in the next five years, and how would you contribute to achieving that vision?”
Cómo subir la escalera
  • As a director, you’ll already be at the top of that particular career ladder. However, depending on the size of the organization, you could apply for positions such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), or department Vice President
  • Let your supervisor or board know you’re interested in advancement. Pursue a higher-level degree or advanced certifications that benefit the mission
  • Implement successful programs that meet organizational goals and community needs
  • Listen to feedback, take notes, and implement positive changes, as needed
  • Find tangible solutions to complex problems
  • Lead major projects and initiatives that will have real impacts on the community
  • Become a subject matter expert on whatever your organization’s cause is
  • Keep up with local trends and challenges by reading the news, talking to peers, and soliciting ideas
  • Tratar a todos con respeto, dignidad, empatía y paciencia.
  • Stay on top of technological trends and strategies
  • Get more involved with professional organizations like the Community Opportunity Alliance
  • Stay current on regulatory changes to ensure your organization is always compliant.
Herramientas/recursos recomendados

Páginas web


  • Empowerment Series: Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities, by Karen K. Kirst-Ashman and Grafton H. Hull, Jr.
  • Guide To Community Organizing: How Organizers Help A Community Build A Powerful Organization: Methods Of Community Organization, by Columbus Brinar
  • Transformative Leadership for Community Organizations: Heighten Your Impact, by Joan Hernandez and Jessica Kerr 
Plan B

Being a Community Organization Director can be a rewarding role, but there may not be a ton of job openings plus it takes a few years to work your way up. If you’re interested in exploring some related occupations, check out the suggestions below.

  • Asesor académico
  • Orientador profesional
  • Administrador de Educación y Atención a la Infancia
  • Planificador de eventos
  • Trabajador social sanitario
  • Director de Recursos Humanos
  • Gestor de organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro
  • Especialista en relaciones públicas
  • Consejero de rehabilitación
  • Asistente de servicios sociales y humanos
  • Coordinador de voluntarios


Cursos y herramientas en línea