Focos de atención
Auditor energético, consultor energético, analista de sostenibilidad, consultor de edificios ecológicos, ingeniero de eficiencia energética, gestor energético, analista de energías renovables, especialista en desarrollo sostenible, especialista en cambio climático, consultor medioambiental
America is the 3rd most populous country on Earth with ~335 million people! That’s roughly 4% of the global population—yet we consume ~16% of all the energy used around the world.
To help make our energy usage more efficient and sustainable, we rely on experts such as Energy Efficiency Specialists. They evaluate the efficiency of buildings, industrial processes, transportation networks, and other systems, looking for ways to reduce energy use and optimize renewable practices.
Their duties include conducting audits, analyzing data, designing energy-saving solutions, looking for ways to incorporate renewable energy sources, and ensuring regulatory compliance. They play a crucial role in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, leading to numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits!
- Leading efforts in energy conservation and efficiency improvements
- Contributing to environmental protection
- Innovating sustainable energy solutions
Horario de trabajo
Energy Efficiency Specialists work full-time, occasionally requiring overtime during project deadlines. Travel in the local area may be necessary for site evaluations and consultations.
Tareas típicas
- Evaluar y optimizar el uso de la energía en diversas condiciones y entornos
- Perform energy audits. Use findings to suggest upgrades and retrofits
- Calculate estimated energy savings if upgrading equipment and systems
- Analizar las emisiones y el rendimiento de hornos y calderas de gas
- Realización de pruebas de temperatura y cumplimiento de la normativa
- Used software to create detailed construction drawing sets
- Work with peers and modeling/simulation programs to design solutions
- Construir modelos de rendimiento para el cumplimiento de las normas asociadas
- Facilitar la presentación de prototipos de sistemas y experimentos
- Ensure designs and product installations comply with efficiency
standards - Conduct safety evaluations of systems integrated with existing infrastructure
- Asistir durante las actividades de desarrollo para garantizar que las acciones se completan en el plazo previsto.
- Colaborar con ingenieros, arquitectos y otros profesionales para la ejecución del proyecto.
- Automate equipment fault detection and energy analysis, when feasible
- Write energy savings reports. Compare projected savings against actuals
Responsabilidades adicionales
- Research best practices and technological advancements
- Benchmark cost and consumption for organizations
- Review subcontracted assessments and retro-commissioning projects to ensure quality
- Keep up on energy regulation changes
- Participate in local sustainability initiatives and seek partnerships
- Promote interest and investment in sustainable technologies
Habilidades blandas
- Analítica
- Atención al detalle
- Visión empresarial
- Colaboración
- Pensamiento crítico
- Razonamiento deductivo e inductivo
- Orientado al detalle
- Independiente
- Monitorización
- Motivado
- Objetivo
- Organizado
- Paciente
- Perceptivo
- Resolución de problemas
- Comprensión de lectura
- Orientado a la seguridad
- Gran capacidad de comunicación
Habilidades técnicas
- Proficiency in energy modeling and analysis tools such as EnergyPlus, RETScreen, or HOMER
- Knowledge of energy systems, efficiency techniques, and renewable technologies
- Experience with CAD and Building Information Modeling tools like Autodesk AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and Revit
- Familiarity with Geographic Information Systems
- Skills in data analysis, statistical tools, and programming languages such as C++, Python
- Proficiency in simulation and modeling software like ANSYS, MATLAB, or Simulink
- Understanding of energy policy, environmental regulations, and operations analysis
- Knowledge of fabrication and manufacturing processes
- Experience with project management software like Microsoft Project or Primavera
- Familiarity with development environment tools like LabVIEW and Verilog, and scientific software such as Powersim and MathWorks
- Strong foundation in STEM disciplines and mechanical aptitude
- Proficiency in operating system software, including Linux, Windows, and UNIX
- Construcción y servicios a edificios
- Consultorías de ingeniería
- Environmental agencies and consulting firms
- Organismos gubernamentales
- Empresas manufactureras e industriales
- Public utilities companies
- Empresas de energías renovables
- Instituciones de investigación, incluidas las universidades
Energy Efficiency Specialists must constantly update their skills to keep pace with evolving technology and regulations, often working under tight deadlines. This commitment to lifelong learning is crucial but can mean extended work hours, especially when working on large-scale projects or urgent energy crises.
Work might take them to remote locations for extended periods, impacting their personal lives. They can sometimes encounter industry resistance or public skepticism, requiring them to be effective communicators. Energy Efficiency Specialists, after all, must be strong advocates for sustainable energy practices and policies!
The energy sector is evolving thanks to smart technology such as smart grids. Enhanced by the Internet of Things, smart grids are revolutionizing electricity distribution by adjusting to changing energy demands and supplies. Artificial intelligence is helping manage energy use by predicting future usage and optimizing the use of renewable energy.
This is crucial as renewable sources like solar and wind come into play more. Renewable energy offers environmental benefits and is helping communities meet energy needs while reducing dependency on traditional sources. Meanwhile, improvements in energy storage are making renewable energy sources more reliable, even during weather variations.
Energy Efficiency Specialists were probably intrigued by STEM subjects in their younger years. They may have been drawn to mechanical or electrical projects. At the same time they were learning how things worked, they could have become more aware of environmental issues and the need to develop our sustainable energy resources!
- Energy Efficiency Specialists often hold a bachelor’s degree in renewable energy, energy systems engineering, environmental studies, sustainability, mechanical engineering, chemistry, or a related field
- Muchos estudiantes optan por hacer una doble licenciatura/máster, lo que les permite ahorrar tiempo y dinero.
- Note, some jobs may require relevant work experience instead of a degree. Internships and cooperative educational experiences can help with that
- Per NC State University, a review of Energy Efficiency Specialist job postings reveals the following level of educational requirements to apply:
- Associate - 8.73%
- Bachelor’s - 72.49%
- Master’s - 24.07%
- Doctoral - 1.32%
- Other - 10.32%
- Relevant classes may include:
- Building Science and Efficiency
- Data Analysis and Statistics
- Auditoría energética
- Energy Efficiency Technology
- Energy Management and Audit
- Ciencias medioambientales
- Green Building Design
- HVAC Systems and Control
- Principles of Sustainability
- Energías renovables
- Sustainable Design
- Termodinámica
- Degree specialization options may include Energy Management, Green Building Design, and Energy Policy
- Optional certifications include the Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and LEED Accredited Professional
- Students with an engineering degree may want to pursue Professional Engineering (PE) licensure later, which includes passing the Fundamentals of Engineering and Principles and Practice of Engineering exams
- Piensa en tu horario y en tu flexibilidad a la hora de decidir si te inscribes en un programa presencial, online o híbrido
- Look for ABET-accredited colleges offering majors in renewable energy, energy systems engineering, environmental studies, sustainability, mechanical engineering, chemistry, or a related field
- Buscar programas con oportunidades de prácticas
- Consider the cost of tuition, discounts, and local scholarship opportunities (in addition to federal aid). Also, check out STEM pathway availability
- Consider the program’s faculty awards and accomplishments. Prestigious honors include teaching awards, IEEE and National Science Foundation awards and recognitions, Fulbright Fellowships, etc.
- Eche un vistazo a sus instalaciones (sobre todo si piensa asistir en persona). Los programas bien financiados dispondrán de las áreas de investigación más modernas y punteras
- Busca centros e institutos afiliados. La mayoría de los grandes programas colaboran con socios externos que pueden aumentar significativamente su experiencia de aprendizaje
- Review graduation rates and post-graduate job placement statistics
- Get a jump start on college by taking prep classes in high school, such as math, chemistry, biology, and environmental science. Strong English and technical writing skills will also pay off later
- If offered, consider taking electives related to engineering, renewable energy, and sustainability
- Aprende todo lo que puedas sobre la carrera antes de apuntarte a las clases. Conoce en qué quieres especializarte y lee las descripciones de los puestos de trabajo publicadas en los portales de empleo
- Get practical experience through sustainability-related internships, cooperative experiences, part-time jobs, or volunteerism
- Participate in your school’s engineering and environmental clubs, as suitable
- Ask a seasoned Energy Efficiency Specialist if they can spare some time to mentor you in exchange for helping them in some capacity
- Read online articles like the Department of Energy’s Energy Saver Blog
- Familiarícese con las tendencias energéticas mundiales actuales. Participe en los foros y grupos de debate en línea pertinentes.
- Lleva un registro de todos tus logros laborales y académicos para tu currículum y tus solicitudes universitarias.

- Sign up for notifications on job portals like Indeed, SimplyHired, Monster, USAJobs, Department of Energy Jobs, Energy Jobline, and Glassdoor
- Según PayScale, la friolera del 85% de los puestos de trabajo se encuentran a través de redes de contactos, así que hazte un perfil en LinkedIn y otras plataformas de contactos.
- Revise los anuncios de empleo y busque palabras clave para incluirlas en su currículum, como:
- Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Engineering Software, Simulation and Modeling, Project Management, Data Analysis, Regulatory Compliance, System Optimization, Sustainable Development, Energy Auditing, Grid Management, Renewable Energy Technologies, Energy Policy, Environmental Impact Assessment, Energy Storage, AutoCAD, MATLAB, ANSYS, EnergyPlus, Agile, Scrum, Lean Management, Statistical Analysis, Data Modeling
- Review Energy Efficiency Evaluation Specialist resume templates and sample interview questions
- Do your research on potential employers. Learn about their services, missions, and areas of specialization. Check out the career pages on their websites
- Ask your school to connect you with company recruiters. Take advantage of chances to intern with large companies. They may offer you a job later!
- Ask your school’s career center for help with resumes, mock interviews, and job fair information
- Dress professionally for job interviews and demonstrate a keen awareness of trends in the industry
- Pedir a profesores y supervisores anteriores que escriban cartas de recomendación o solicitar su consentimiento (por adelantado) para incluirlos como referencias.
- Make it clear to your supervisor that you’re interested in advancement
- Get advice and talk through options. There are endless possibilities within the energy efficiency field!
- Most small- to mid-sized businesses have limited opportunities for advancement, so keep this in mind when applying
- To move up any ladder, there must be empty rungs on it
- Try to gain diverse experience across different energy projects, then consider specializing in a growing niche, like solar energy or sustainable building design
- Knock out additional certs when qualified to do so, like the American Public Power Association’s Energy Efficiency Management Certificate, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professional, or an Association of Energy Engineers certification
- Stay proactive about professional development. Take continuing education courses or complete a higher-level degree
- Participar activamente en organizaciones profesionales (para más información, consulte nuestra lista de recursos recomendados).
- Manténgase al día de los cambios normativos para garantizar que su organización cumple siempre la normativa.
Páginas web
- Consejo de Acreditación de Ingeniería y Tecnología
- Alliance to Save Energy
- Academia Americana de Ingenieros y Científicos Medioambientales
- American Council on Renewable Energy
- Instituto Nacional de Normalización de Estados Unidos
- Asociación Americana de Energía Pública
- Asociación de Ingenieros Energéticos
- Biomass Thermal Energy Council
- Center for Sustainable Energy
- Coalition for Energy Savings
- Consejo de Ingeniería Industrial
- Institución de Ingeniería y Tecnología
- International Renewable Energy Agency
- Sociedad Internacional de Profesionales de la Sostenibilidad
- Sociedad Internacional de Automatización
- Liderazgo en Energía y Diseño Medioambiental (LEED)
- Consejo Nacional de Examinadores de Ingeniería y Topografía
- Laboratorio Nacional de Energías Renovables
- Energías renovables en el mundo
- Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
- Administración de Información Energética de EE.UU.
- Consejo de Edificios Verdes de Estados Unidos
- Energy Efficiency and Management for Engineers, by Mehmet Kanoglu and Yunus Cengel
- Musings of an Energy Nerd: Toward an Energy-Efficient Home, by Martin Holladay
- Power Economics: An Executive's Guide to Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Generation Strategies, by Elena Cahill
- The Unpopular Truth: about Electricity and the Future of Energy, by Lars Schernikau and William Hayden Smith
Energy Efficiency Specialists play an important role in building a more sustainable future, but they are just one part of the puzzle!
It’s hard to determine how many such specialists are currently working and how many job openings are projected in the coming years.
Some employers may use different job titles for the position (such as Energy Efficiency Consultant), making statistics every tougher to come by. If you’re curious about some related job options, check out the below list!
- Auditor energético
- Energy Analyst
- Sustainability Assistant/Coordinator
- Utility Program Coordinator
Additional career paths to consider include:
- Reparador eléctrico y electrónico
- Electricista
- Elevator and Escalator Installer
- Environmental Consultant
- Green Building Designer
- Mecánico de calefacción, aire acondicionado y refrigeración
- Power Plant Operator
- Sustainability Coordinator
- Telecommunications Technician
- Planificador urbano

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